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O Carruagem de Luz ou Merkaba, é um de nossos corpos de luz. Quando desperto, ele expande nossa consciência para reinos mais elevados, como um veículo interdimensional. Tornando possível para nós vermos, sentirmos e experimentarmos o Divino. Ele pode ser despertado pelo alinhamento de nosso corpo, coração e mente, e pelo sentimento do amor divino (amor incondicional).


Obs: a imagem é ilustrativa, a moldura não está incluida.




The Charriot of Light or Merkaba,  is one of our light bodies. When awakened, it expands our consciousness to higher realms, as an interdimensional vehicle. Making possible for us to see, feel and experience the Divine. It can be awakened by the alignment of our body, heart and mind, and by feeling divine love (unconditional love).


This beautiful Sacred Geometry started showing itself to me in 2012, together with many others sacred shapes. I would see it while looking at the stars, when I closed my eyes or as little rays of light on the walls. After a few months I had a dream: a man in his late 40’s was in his office teaching me about sacred geometry. I don’t remember what he taught, but his last words before I woke up was: “You need to study about the Merkaba of Light”. So I created this painting as a reminder to go deeper into this study and into my spiritual journey.



Chariot of Light (Carruagem de Luz)

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